Friday, May 11, 2012

It's Time To Out The President!

It's time to out the president!  Me thinks that if you call yourself a follower of Christ (a Christian), then you must surrender your political and philosophical tenants to His Lordship.  Your moral foundation should be firmly established in the Word of God...and you should take the Bible as stated and, instead of twisting it to your own political ends,  should accept it as the final authority for faith and practice.  Me thinks that one that calls attention to their Christianity, then it should be unashamedly and firmly established deep so that the winds of political expediency do  not sway that believer from the unchanging precepts of God.  Since the Bible clearly says, Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is reproach to any people, the President, by his announcement this week affirming his desire to make gay marriage legal, clearly indicates that His desire to push agenda is more important than His desire to rightly divide the WORD...and submit to the LORDSHIP of Christ.   The Golden Rule does not excuse sin...nor does the fact that Jesus died for all people allow us to PUSH something that the Bible clearly calls sin.   America is clearly on a course that places TRUE believers in the crosshairs of a government that   is increasingly antagonistic to Biblical faith, and this announcement will increase that antagonism.  The slope is slippery, but if there is one good thing about it, at least now the distinction between Christian's and Posers is becoming crystal clear.  An election is not the answer for America...for our problems are not merely political...our core is rotten...and requires a massive GREAT AWAKENING for this generation in order for the core problems (sin, apathy, desire to please men instead of God, corruption from the WHITE GOD's HOUSE) to be addressed...but even with that said...I believe it is TIME for America  to OUT THIS PRESIDENT.  Vote Him OUT this November.