Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ransom....Now Up

Ok, finally, uploading "RANSOM" series...first one is the one called, "Ransom: No Longer Held Hostage by Bitterness."   Listen by clicking the player button below!

In this powerful five week series, Pastor John Utley of Radiant Life Church shares the story of Hosea. God called Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer. A prostitute who was caught in a life controlling spiral that bound her to everyone but the one who truly loved her. Her captors used and abused her continually, until they finally auction her to the highest bidder. In a powerful type of God’s love for His people, Hosea bids the highest bid to set Gomer free.
Just as Christ paid the highest price to set us free too.
Each week, Pastor John Utley shares about the different binding forces that hold us captive (such as bitterness, fear, jealousy, intimidation, and anger) and how Jesus paid the price to set us free from each of these areas that keep us from all that God wants to accomplish in our lives.

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